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Where Our Standards Went Wrong
We can all agree that the realities of the web make it hard to build a standards-compliant site
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Browser testing CSS and JavaScript
Roger Johansson of on his own approach to testing CSS and JavaScript during development
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Two New Sites for Startups
If you're on the lookout for startup news, resources, and communities, then there are two recently launched sites that are worth taking a look at
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Close your tags
If you don't close your tags properly and you need to access elements via the DOM, expect trouble in Internet Explorer
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Tabmenu for free
There are a lot of other ways how you can do something like this but if you use more then one of these tabmenus, this is one of the best solutions.
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URL Rewriting to Prevent Duplicate URLs
A brief refresher on why it's a good idea to avoid having your content accessible via multiple URLs, and how to implement URL rewriting on an IIS server.
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Badge Any RSS Feed With Yahoo! Pipes
Smart hack from Kent Brewster. Uses Yahoo! Pipes' JSON output plus a few lines of JavaScript to create a badge from any RSS feed.
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Free Hosting of YUI libraries from Yahoo!
With the release of YUI version 2.2.0, Yahoo! is opening up free YUI hosting from the Yahoo! network to all YUI implementers -- gzipped, with good cache-control.
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Icon Design: Sizing
One of the more deceptively time-consuming things you'll do when creating an icon is producing out size variations
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Dynamic Right Click Context Menu
A real JavaScript Right Click Context Menu.